Saturday, October 11, 2008

i'm all grows up and all grows up and all grows up

well, i'm bigger. 3 pounds and 13 ounces baby.

kansas took me to the vet again today. and yes, my butt did get up close and personal with the thermometer once more. not pleasant but at least i was ready for it. a different vet, a very nice man with white hair.

or i thought he was nice but then he hurt me. apparently the "shot" is for my own good but i don't buy it.

all the people in the office (doctors, nurses and other people with dogs and cats) thought i was the cutest. kansas packed my kitty and one of my chilly chews in my box so i was stylin'. OH!!! i almost forgot. i met my first dog today. she was really sweet and we touched noses through my carrying crate. but i still prefer to watch them through the window.

i'm home alone for most of the day today. let's see what trouble i can get in to now... i'll let you know....

1 comment:

tarak said...

Oh, Murphy. Soon you'll be driving and off to college and you'll be too busy for the adults that love you. j/k. Don't grow up too fast.