Tuesday, October 20, 2009

where i spend my nights

Now some of you might be asking yourself, I wonder where Murphy sleeps? She's talked about many places to nap and various pieces of furniture but hasn't mentioned bed time in a while. Funny you should ask because I've got a new thing going on.

Now Mookie has changed his nightly (or really late-night) patterns. He now gets up early and leaves me too. I've tried the pity trip thing, doesn't work so don't bother writing in with that advice. So.... around midnight the people in my house start getting ready for bed. Now about a week ago I shocked the shit (oops, not supposed to curse, sorry) out of them by climbing on the bed and waiting for them to come in. Seriously, it freaked them out. In a good way. They were all excited. Not the level of the Kiwi yelling (remember that boys and girls?!) but they got kind of squeaky.

So now the ritual is beginning to cement. After Kansas takes her shower (yes, TMI, deal with it) she scoops me up and it's time to go to bed. Since winter is coming the bed is extra awesome. How I love quilts. The thing is, I have to wait patiently (not my strong suit) until Kansas gets settled. Until the alarm clock is set and either the white noise machine is turned on or a movie is put in (no cable in the bedroom so it's cinema-time). Then, once she gets finally gets her jimmy legs in one place, I hop in between them, near her knees, and snuggle in for a good night's sleep (did I just quote "The Night Before Christmas"? I think I did! No wait, that's long winter's nap... same diff).

Now she has expressed to me that she can't stay like that all night but tough. I don't care. Suck it up woman. And they've tried to talk me into curling up between them, or curling up at Mookie's legs. Nope. I figured out what I want and there's no two ways around it. Sorry sister. The heart wants what it wants and when you rescue a kitten from the streets and spoil her, she's the boss.

Here's a fun picture from a few weeks ago. This is a little quilt MADE FOR ME by Grandma Hewitt. Thanks Gram, I absolutely love it. In fact, it's not a good day if I don't spent a huge amount of time on my rockin' blanket. I think I love the little bunnies the most.

So, curl up with the ones you love, and if they have the jimmy legs like Kansas- just do your best to keep them in line. And before you even ask, no I am not dressing up for Halloween. You can't top perfection people!

Love you,

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