Tuesday, February 9, 2010

i know, i know

So I made some promises about a New Years Eve post... and I failed. And then I promised a Kansas Day post.... and I failed. But honestly, I cannot do this alone so yes, blame the redhead. It's her fault. But now that the snowpocalypse is coming (I'll believe it when I see it), there is actually time to dictate my thoughts and write this post.

So the holidays sucked it again. They left me, they left me (name that movie BB or Nordvig). All jokes aside, I had a great cat sitter named Johanna. She had these super long (and polished green) finger nails. She would come and visit everyday. Now I have to admit she was no BB or TK but they were in Ohio or nursing a baby (respectively). It wasn't so bad. Kansas wasn't in Kansas for that long and I helped her not be lonely until Mookie returned. Then we had New Years Eve together again. This time we did it up right. Movies and pizza, it was awesome. And champagne although they wouldn't let me have any of it.
Then January was okay but it has been C O L D in New York City. I have started to discover all kinds of new places to snuggle and sleep that are as close to the heaters as possible without burning my butt (a very important lesson, thank you Kansas for watching out for me). Sometimes it snows and I do like to watch the flakes fall. It came in through a hole in the screen so Kansas opened the window briefly and made a little snowball for me. I MUCH prefer that snow to stay on the other side of the glass. It is damn cold, no wonder these two wine about going outside. I get it now.

Kansas day was January 29th and I had to listen to some lame stories about elementary school assemblies and some raid by a guy named Quantrill. It was both scary and boring at the same time. Kansas and Mookie were both home for the day (Kansas had a day off work and Mookie was sick) so I think they picked me up about a thousand times. Seriously people, a girl needs her space. I'm not a baby.

Now it's February and the groundhog (I'm not sold on him yet, I think he's resting on past fame and Bill Murray's coat tails) said it's going to stay cold. So bring on the blankets and for goodness sake Nick keep the heat coming! I love it. And Mookie can always crack the window if he gets warm. Think about the kitten. That's my motto.

Valentine's Day is this Sunday and I plan on sniffing every single piece of chocolate in the house. I don't like to eat people food but hell, I'll smell anything. Seriously, anything. I especially love carbonated beverages. They rule. What girl doesn't love her Diet Dr. Pepper?!

Hmmm, what else. Well LOST has started back up again and I have some interesting theories myself but I don't want to be a spoiler for those of you not caught up on Season 5. Get with the program people!! I know he can be bad but I love Ben and John Locke is my hero. I mean, if I was somewhere scary I want Locke and Jack to take care of me, in a kind of dueling hero rotation. A girl's gott know who to trust.

I would promise not to take another two month gap in my blogging but I am a mercurial creature so I cannot make any promises. But know that you can always come visit. There's room next to me on the blanket, really there is our house is rather large... and I have a baby smurf toy from Lisa and a purple Wubba. See, endless hours of fun. And Astoria isn't that far away so I don't even want to hear it (unless you live in Lawrence, Kansas or Columbus, Ohio then you are forgiven).

Love and all that mushy stuff,

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